Indonesia: New Text Book On Human Rights

Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia is the title of the new text book on Human rights in bahasa Indonesia, financed by the Norwegian Center for Human Rights (NCHR) in Oslo.
"This book is a text book which is a general introduction for students in Human Rights Law. A number of International and Indonesian experts have contributed to this book", says Mr Knut Asplund, programme manager at the NCHR.
The text book, which is edited by Mr. Eko Riyadi, has a preface by UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Mr Philip Alston and catholic philosopher Frans Magnis-Suseno. It is the result of a long-term relationship between Norwegian Center for Human Rights and Center for Human Rights Studies at the Islamic University in Yogyakarta.
The first edition is printed in 1000 copies and is the most comprehensive text book on human rights ever to be published in bahasa Indonesia. The target audience is both law school students and the general public.
On Saturday 19 April, the text book was launched in Yogyakarta. Principal Edy Suandi Hamid at the Islamic University i Yogyakarta (middle in the picture above) performed the official ceremonial launch of the book. This event was followed by a seminar on implementation of human rights in Indonesia. Find more ...

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