7 in 10 Americans know very little about Islam

Most recently, former Secretary of State Colin Powell rebuked those responsible for spreading the Obama rumor, adding, "What if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer is no, that's not America."
It is well-known that most Americans have feeling of hatred toward Muslims, including Muslim Americans, especially after 9/11. This is, according to a Duke University sociologist Jen'nan Ghazal Read, really "exceptional' in a country where social boundary is 'limited' and diversity is welcomed. Read mentions two common perceptions that might have led most American to this negative direction toward Islam and Muslims. First, they are trapped to the illusion of Muslim unidimentionality. They do not understand that Muslims are very diverse. Muslims that are associated with terrorism, like al-Qaedah, are very minor. Amazingly, they can become the most salient brand of Islam. Second, they think that being a Muslim is the only identity that Muslims have. However, Read's finding shows that in general Muslim Americans are just like the mainstream Americans in different aspects of life and attitudes. They have Islam as their common identity, but this identity does not prevent them from being American citizens like others.